Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) can be a great tool for supervisors in a wide variety of employment conflicts — including discrimination cases, personnel actions, adverse actions, whistleblower claims and claims under the Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment Act (USERRA). When used in appropriate circumstances, ADR can yield results that are faster, less expensive and less contentious than traditional complaint processing, such as through the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or Merit Systems Protection Board. ADR is an informal process in which a neutral third party, the mediator, assists the opposing parties in reaching a voluntary, negotiated resolution of a complaint. The opposing…
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The 2008 Veterans’ Benefits Improvement Act, signed into law in October, enhances veterans’ compensation and pensions, and housing and insurance benefits. It also extends protections of veterans’ and military reservists’ employment rights under the Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment Rights Act (USERRA). USERRA prohibits discrimination against anyone serving in the armed forces or taking military leave from a civilian job. This includes discrimination in hiring, promotion, re-employment or any other benefit of employment. The new law clarifies that there is no limit on the period for filing a complaint under USERRA. It also requires agencies responsible for handling USERRA complaints to comply…